Dedicated to the memory of Jim

Our hearts continue to go to out Jim's family, wife Samina, daughters Liesa & Jess and his son Jamie, the tributes which have followed Jim's untimely death have reflected our own dealings with Jim.

Jim was a brilliant, caring, amusing and passionate man who was committed to his work as an obstetrician but saw beyond the traditional professional boundaries to the lives of the people who put their trust in him. 

Jim's involvement in NIPANC, and indeed other charities, reflected his concern to respond to the illnesses and tragedies in his family and personal life by seeking to make matters better for others in similar circumstances. He gave his time willingly and his wise counsel will be sadly missed.

We have been heartened by the number of stories emerging in the social and published media about Jim's impact on the lives of those that he encountered and helped.

Many of our supporters expressed a wish for somewhere to share their thoughts and messages of condolences to the Dornan family which is why we have started this tribute to Jim.

Professor Jim Dornan, our friend and NIPANC President.

Rest in peace


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Some people achieve so much and have such charisma that when they died, you are sincerely saddened, even if you did not know them personnaly. Professor Dornan was one of them. His book "An Everyday miracle" is full of kindness, humour, tenderness and shows a deep respect for his patients and a passion for his profession. All the tributes he has received show how much he was admired, respected and loved. His legacy is immense. My thoughts go out to his family. Rest in peace Professor Dornan. Isabelle
7th May 2021
O mundo sempre tem pessoas notáveis ​​e brilhantes com quem Deus permite que pessoas normais vivam e absorvam parte de sua bondade. O exemplo dado pelo Notável Jim Dornan deve ser seguido por seus descendentes e perpetuar por gerações. Tenho a certeza que foi acolhido pelo nosso Deus de uma forma muito especial, porque o seu amor ao próximo fez brilhar a sua alma. Não tive a oportunidade de conhecer um ser tão incrível como ele, mas seu legado foi deixado. Desejo muita força à família para continuar com um trabalho tão lindo. O mais difícil para nós é passar pela dor da perda de um ente querido e transformar a Dor em algo lindo como este trabalho do NIPANC Rosiane Pimentel - Brasil Translation The world always has remarkable and brilliant people with whom God allows normal people to live and absorb some of his goodness. The example set by the Notable Jim Dornan must be followed by his descendants and perpetuate for generations. I am sure that he was welcomed by our God in a very special way, because his love for his neighbor made his soul shine. I did not have the opportunity to meet a being as incredible as him, but his legacy has been left. I wish the family a lot of strength to continue with such a beautiful job. The most difficult thing for us is to go through the pain of losing a loved one and transform the Pain into something beautiful like this work by NIPANC Rosiane Pimentel - Brazil
27th April 2021
Jim dornan will be remembered by many family's for giving their children the gift of life, for generations to come, he was an expert in his field, and passed his knowledge on others so they could use his knowledge to help families conceive a child. He will be sadly missed by his profession but more so by his wife, children, grandchildren and friends x
27th April 2021
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